3d Resistivity Inversion Software Engineering
- 3d Resistivity Inversion Software Engineering Software
- 3d Resistivity Inversion Software Engineering Jobs
- 3d Resistivity Inversion Software Engineering Pdf
- RES3DINVx64 - 3D RESISTIVITY & IP INVERSION software for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 Uses the smoothness constrained Gauss-Newton least-squares optimization method Supports on land and underwater surveys.
- Seamless inversion of very long survey lines using sparse inversion techniques (RES2DINV only license includes limited used of RES3DINV 3D inversion program) RES2DINV software is designed to interpolate and interpret field data of electrical geophysical prospecting (2D sounding) of electrical resistivity (conductivity) and induced polarization.
AGI EarthImager 3D is a three-dimensional resistivity and induced polarization (IP) inversion modeling software. It converts electrically gathered data and converts it into a 3D rendering presented using an advanced volume display.
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EarthImager 3D is ideal for resistivity imaging&md...
EarthImager 3D is ideal for resistivity imaging—even in areas where there is a large topographic variation—without producing a noisy image. The final image can be rotated in any orientation, zoomed in and out, and translated to anywhere inside the image window in order to see the feature of interest in three-dimensional detail. It may show the shape of a hidden cave, the volume of a detected ore body, or the extent of an environmental spill plume.
AGI EarthImager 3D Use Cases
EarthImager 3D is for use in geotechnical and geologic industries, including the following applications:
Outlining the shape of caves and voids.
Calculating the volume of caves and voids.
Visualizing the bedrock surface.
Pinpointing precise well location for groundwater exploration.
Outlining the shape of an ore body during mineral exploration.
Calculating the volume of an ore body during mineral exploration.
Mapping the extent of environmental spills.
Monitoring the progress of an environmental clean-up procedure.
Calculating volumes and extent of sand, gravel, or clay during aggregate mapping.
One example of AGI EarthImager 3D at work is when imaging a cave. If you discovered the cavern using 2D imaging software, you wouldn’t be able to tell where you needed to drill in order to hit an exact location, as objects to the side of the 2D survey line gets “folded” in on the 2D image. This happens because the injected current does not simply flow downwards into the ground, but flows through the ground in all directions. 3D imaging does not have this limitation, as it can take spatial data and model the geometries in the correct location—ensuring that your drilling location is exact and accurate for more precise projects.
3d Resistivity Inversion Software Engineering Software
User-friendly Windows GUI.
Seamless operation with AGI resistivity instruments.
Inversion Of 3D Surface Resistivity Data.
Inversion Of 3D Borehole Resistivity Data.
Inversion Of 3D IP Data.
3D Volumetric Rendering With Transparency Control.
Volume and multiple-slice images.
Interactive slice image.
No software limit on number of data points or number of electrodes.
No limit on array type or electrode location.
64-bit parallel processing capability with EarthImager3DCL module.
Data misfit cross-plot.
Methods & algorithms
Finite difference forward modeling.
Options of boundary condition for forward modeling.
Smooth model inversion.
Noisy data suppression.
Trackable and retrievable user settings.
Tool buttons and popup menus for easy access to frequently used menu items.
Fast hardware-accelerated 3D graphics.
Windows true 24-bit color.
Inversion progress bar to show the inversion status.
Well-organized and hassle-free processing directory structure.
Saveable in bitmap, JPEG, PostScript, PNG, and TIFF file formats.
Saveable in XYZ format so it can be loaded into any off-shelf graphics software.
Convergence curve display.
User-specified minimum and maximum variable values of the image.
User-specified colors and contour levels.
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Advanced Geosciences, Inc (AGI) is a manufacturer of electrical imaging systems and software and is the leading developer and manufacturer focused on electrical resistivity, IP and SP. AGI instruments and software are delivered to all continents.
Company details
2121 Geoscience Drive , Austin , Texas78726USA
More Office Locations–Locations Served
- Business Type:
- Manufacturer
- Industry Type:
- Soil and Groundwater Monitoring and Testing
- Market Focus:
- Globally (various continents)
- Year Founded:
- 1989
- Employees:
- 11-100
- Turnover:
- $1,000,000 US - $10,000,000 US
This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
Please, visit the following links for more info:
About Us
Who We Are
Advanced Geosciences Inc. (AGI) is the leading developer and manufacturers of resistivity/IP/SP imaging systems since 1989. We introduced our Sting/Swift resistivity imaging system at the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists (EAGE) conference in 1994, which introduced the resistivity imaging revolution. Since then, we’ve been producing state-of-the-art products for electrical resistivity and IP imaging, including:
SuperSting Wi-Fi, our multi-channel electrical imaging system, which comes in five models, ranging from our entry-level R1 to the fastest version, the R8:
R1 (1 channel)
R2 (2 channel)
R4 (4 channel)
R6 (6 channel)
R8 (8 channel)
PowerSting, our series of external high-power IP (Induced Polarization) transmitters for the SuperSting.
PowerSting Nodes, our high-powered automated transmitter electrodes for induced polarization and resistivity 2D tomography mineral exploration surveys.
MiniSting R1, our meter designed for manual resistivity jobs.
Passive Electrode Cables , for use on-land or underwater.
Swift Dual-Mode Smart Electrodes, used for highly sensitive measurements.
AGI Marine Graphite Electrodes, for use in corrosive environments.
EarthImager 1D, 2D and 3D, our inversion modeling software.
Our products have been used in both applied projects and theoretical research studies, with over 1,000 peer-reviewed journal articles published that utilize AGI’s systems and software. We’re the only resistivity/IP/SP imaging company that has developed our own hardware and software modeling systems, all of which are engineered and manufactured in Austin, Texas, USA.
Our Customers
Our resistivity/IP/SP instruments and inversion modeling software are delivered to all continents with customers in the USA, Canada, Central & South America, Asia, Middle East, Africa and Europe. AGI customers include government labs, universities, research institutions, mineral exploration companies, water drilling companies, and environmental and geotechnical engineering firms.
Comprehensive training seminars are offered in Austin, Texas, in Madrid, Spain, and at customer sites.
Anyone who purchases a SuperSting system gets two free tickets to our three-day seminar in either Madrid or the U.S. If you purchase the seminar within 4 months of purchasing the instrument, it will be discounted off the sales price. The seminar price is $1,640 per person.
Use Cases
AGI’s resistivity and IP imaging systems have been used in the following applications:
- Subsurface site characterization (2D and 3D imaging, tomography, and ERT).
- Groundwater exploration.
- Cave, void, sinkhole, and other geohazard location.
- Depth-to-bedrock determination.
- Landslide hazard mapping.
- Pollution plume mapping
- DNAPL, LNAPL, Brine Plumes, etc.
- Radioactive waste.
- Marine 2D and 3D surveys (boat-towed and stationary).
- Lithology mapping.
- Mineral exploration.
- Archaeological site investigation.
- Monitoring of in-situ remediation processes (such as ammonia injection, desiccation, vitrification, steam injection, pumping, and air-sparging).
- Monitoring of subsurface processes (such as pump tests, CO2 injection, groundwater recharge, infiltration, saltwater intrusion, tunneling, dam leakage, and mining operations).
AGE Madrid
Advanced Geosciences Europe, S.L. (AGE)
Established in 2006 and located in Madrid, Spain serves our EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and Latin American customers. AGE is a wholly owned subsidiary of Advanced Geosciences, Inc. with the name Advanced Geosciences Europe, S.L.
- The AGE office serves customers in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Latin America.
- The AGE office also has the SuperSting electrical resistivity imaging equipment available for rent.
- All AGI equipment can be repaired in the Madrid office.
- AGE will give full technical support on all AGI equipment.
AGI Texas
Advanced Geosciences, Inc.
Established in 1989, located in the beautiful 'Texas Hill Country' of Northwest Austin, Texas, USA.
Instructional seminars are regularly held at this location.
2. SuperSting R1 IP Resistivity and IP Meter
2. SuperSting R1 IP Resistivity and IP Meter
The SuperSting R1 IP is a state-of-the-art single-channel portable memory earth resistivity meter with memory storage of readings and user defined measure cycles. It provides the highest accuracy and lowest noise levels in the industry. This new instrument is based on technology developed for the famous SuperSting R8/IP multi-channel instrument. It pushes the performance levels of single channel systems forward by a large step. With the high power transmitter good data can be recorded in difficult locations where time-consuming stacking was the only alternative before.
SuperSting R1/IP uses the patented Swift Dual Mode Automatic Multi-electrode active cable or switch boxes with passive cables. For users of the discontinued Sting/Swift system wanting to upgrade their instrument (ask us about our instrument trade in program) their cable investment can be reused with this new instrument since the old cables can be used also with SuperSting R1/IP. The controller for the cable is now completely built into the SuperSting R1/IP main instrument so there are no extra boxes to carry and connect in the field. Induced Polarization mode records 6 individual IP chargeability windows.
3. MiniSting Resistivity and IP Meter
3. MiniSting Resistivity and IP Meter
The MiniSting is a low cost, single channel, memory earth resistivity and IP instrument mainly designed for manual measurements with four electrodes. The instrument includes instruction manual, the Administrator utility software, test resistor, data download cable, battery charger, external power cable and spare fuses.
4. SuperSting Swift Dual Mode (US Patent 6,404,203...
4. SuperSting Swift Dual Mode (US Patent 6,404,203) Electrode Switches
The Swift dual mode electrode switches facilitate automatic induced polarization measurement in a multi-electrode array using stainless steel stakes for current injection and non-polarizable (porous pot) electrodes for the potential measurements. The electrode switch can operate either as a dual mode electrode with separate current injection and potential measurement or in mono mode where both current injection and potential measurement occurs through the stainless steel stake. The electrode switches have been re-designed in order to reduce the size of the electrode switch. On one side of the electrode switch is a miniature banana jack where the non-polarizable electrode is connected when the electrode is used in dual mode. When the banana jack is not in use, it is covered by a plug to prevent dirt and moisture to enter the jack.
5. SuperSting Marine
5. SuperSting Marine
AGI has developed a marine option of the famous SuperSting R8. The system comprises the SuperSting Marine, the Marine Log Manager software and an electrode towing cable. The SuperSting Marine instrument continuously records and stores data from a GPS receiver. Current is injected every 3 seconds and 8 apparent resistivity values representing 8 depth levels are read for each current injection. Our modeling software EarthImager 2D has a Continuous Resistivity Profiler (CRP) option to process the marine data.
6. Graphite Electrodes (US Patent 6,674,286)
Our graphite electrodes are ideal for long-term monitoring of remediation processes or for measurements in water. Due to electrolysis, metal electrodes even stainless steel electrodes, corrode quickly when used as current electrodes. Graphite is not affected by electrolysis and is therefore ideal to be used as current electrodes with our SuperSting Marine System.
7. EarthImager 2D
AGI EarthImager 2D is a Windows 32-bit platform based computer program that interprets two-dimensional (2D) electrical resistivity and induced polarization (IP) data and produces inverted resistivity and IP sections that reveals the sought-after target and subsurface geology. EarthImager turns the complicated resistivity data inversion into a simple two-step process and it takes only a few clicks to get inversion results, i.e., reading a data file and running the inversion. EarthImager also presents a long list of options for advanced users to use.
EarthImager supports all Windows true type fonts and Windows 24-bit true color. Hardware accelerated graphics powered by OpenGL leads to fast graphics rendering. Browsing processing results from one parameter to another and from one iteration to another is a pleasant experience with EarthImager.
This is a partial list of the features of AGI Eart...
This is a partial list of the features of AGI EarthImager 2D software.
- Resistivity and IP forward modeling and inversion.
- ERT (electrical resistivity tomography) between two or more boreholes and surface electrodes.
- Borehole IP data inversion.
- Time lapse resistivity inversion for monitoring applications both on the surface and in the boreholes (optional).
- Survey planner with graphical model input, virtual survey with the actual command file, and inverse simulation with user-specified Gaussian noises.
- Continuous Resistivity Profiler (CRP) module that processes resistivity and IP data collected in a continuous manner with pulled-array, boat-towed electrode array, or continuous roll-along array (optional).
- Fast topographic correction and printout of resistivity section with topographical features.
- Finite difference and finite element forward modeling.
- Three inversion algorithms: damped least squares, smooth model, and robust inversion.
- Three IP data inversion methods: linear, nonlinear-concurrent, and nonlinear-sequential inversion methods.
- Gauss-Newton and quasi Newton methods.
- User friendly Windows GUI.
- Fast graphics powered by OpenGL with automatic refresh and scalable image.
- Data editing for detecting and removing erroneous data points and bad electrodes.
- Noisy data suppression.
- Both root mean squared (RMS) error and L2-norm statistics to monitor the inversion progress and convergence.
- No software limit on number of data or number of electrodes.
- No limit on array type or electrode location.
- A graphical a-priori information input interface.
- Well organized and hassle-free processing directory structure.
- High definition report quality plat style printout.
- Saving images as bitmap, JPEG or Windows metafile files at three resolution levels.
- Saving image data in XYZ format so it can be loaded into any off-shelf graphics software.
- Borehole command creator for AGI Sting/SuperSting instruments.
- Support of competitor’s data file format.
- Batch inversion of many data files.
- A new graphics toolbar for ease of access of graphics settings.
- Options of meters and feet for the length (or distance) unit.
- User-specified contour levels and fill colors.
- Support of Surfer® (Golden Software Inc) level files.
- Data misfit histogram for removal of poorly-fit data at the end of inversion.
- Reciprocal data error scatter-plot and use of reciprocal data errors as data weights.
8. EarthImager 3D
AGI is proud to introduce the EarthImager 3D resistivity and IP inversion software (IP data inversion is coming soon). This software inverts resistivity and IP data acquired with electrodes arranged in boreholes and/or on the surface and presents a 3D volume of inverted resistivity data with advanced volume rendering technique. The final resistivity or IP image-volume can be rotated in any orientation, zoomed in and out, and translated to anywhere inside the image window in order to see the volume of interest in detail. Colors representing areas of less interest can be made transparent so that the shape of a pollution plume, for example, can be visible. With EarthImager, 3D resistivity inversion can be as easy as two steps: Read Data and Start Inversion with only a few mouse clicks.
Some of the features of the EarthImager 3D are:
Some of the features of the EarthImager 3D are:
- Fast hardware-accelerated 3D graphics powered by OpenGL.
- 3D volumetric rendering with transparency control.
- Inversion of 3D surface resistivity data.
- Inversion of 3D borehole resistivity data.
- Finite difference forward modeling.
- Options of boundary condition for forward modeling.
- Smooth model inversion.
- User friendly Windows GUI.
- Noisy data suppression.
- No software limit on number of data points or number of electrodes.
- No limit on array type or electrode location.
- Seamless operation with AGI resistivity instruments.
- Windows true 24-bit color.
- Trackable and retrievable user settings.
- Tool buttons and popup menus for easy access to frequently used menu items.
- Inversion progress bar to show the inversion status.
- Well organized and hassle-free processing directory structure.
- Saving images in bitmap, JPEG, PostScript, PNG, and TIFF file formats.
- Saving image data in XYZ format so it can be loaded into any off-shelf graphics software.
- Volume and multiple-slice images.
- Interactive slice image.
- Data misfit cross-plot.
- Convergence curve.
- User-specified minimum and maximum variable values of the image.
- User-specified colors and contour levels.
- 3D command creator
- Our principal R & D electrical engineer has over 30 years experience in the geophysical field.
- Our senior geophysicists and geologists have Master’s and Ph.D. degrees from accredited universities in Europe and the USA and have at least twenty years of diverse experience in geophysics ranging from private consutling to National labs.
- Our geophysicists are licensed geophysicists by Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists.
- AGI owns the US patent of dual-mode electrodes and the graphite electrodes (US patents 6,404,203 and 6,674,286).
- Harold Mooney awards by Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) to Mats Lagmanson, President of AGI, in recognition of his scientific and technical excellence and innovation leading to the advancement of near-surface geophysics.
- Over 700 peer reviewed journal articles utilize AGI products.
Partial List of Clients
Government Agencies
- Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Jakarta, Indonesia
- Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, USA
- Austria Geological Survey, Vienna, Austria
- British Geological Survey, Nottingham, United Kingdom
- Comision Federal de Electricidad, Mexico
- Centre for Termite Control Research, Vietnam
- China Geological Survey, Chengdu, China
- Energy & Mineral Resources Laboratory, Bandung, Indonesia
- Eotvos Lorand Geophysical Institute (ELGI), Budapest, Hungary
- Flinders University of SA, Adelaide, Australia
- Florida Department of Transportation, Florida
- Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo, Finland
- Karst Research Institute, Postojna, Slovenia
- Korea Mining Promotion Corporation, Seoul, South Korea
- Ministry of Works Resources & Development, Majuro, Marshall Islands
- Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Rolla, MO
- National Cave and Karst Research Institute, Carlsbad, New Mexico
- National Center for Geophysical Research, Beirut, Lebanon
- National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
- National Transmission Corporation, Philippines
- OSROK, Seoul, Korea
- US Department of Energy, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- US Geological Survey, Storrs, Connecticut
- US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado
- US Geological Survey, Santa Cruz, California
- US Geological Survey, Tucson, Arizona
- US Geological Survey, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
- US Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Mississippi
- US Bureau of Land Management, Denver, Colorado
- U S Bureau of Reclamation, Cortez, Colorado
- US Dept. of Agriculture, Coshocton, Ohio
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachussetts
- Woods Hole Research Center, Woods Hole, Massachussets
Academic Institution
- Andhra University, Department of Geophysics, Visakhapatnam, India
- Ba Jae University, Korea
- Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia
- Baylor University, Waco, Texas
- Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina
- Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado
- Institut de Geophysique, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Instituto Technologico de Sonora, Sonora, Mexico
- ITC, Delft, The Netherlands
- Korea Institure for Geology and Mining, Taejon, South Korea
- Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Koyang-si Kyonggi-do, South Korea
- Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania
- Montanuniversitat, Leoben, Austria
- Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
- National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
- North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, North Carolina
- Osservatorio Sismologico Univ.Messina, Italy
- Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia
- Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey
- Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands
- Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Texas A&M, College Station and Corpus Christi, Texas
- Thiagarajar College, Madurai, India
- Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky
- Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Universitaet Basel, Basel, Switzerland
- University of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska
- University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
- University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
- University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi
- University of Ohio, Athens, Ohio
- University of Texas, Arlington and Austin, Texas
- University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
- University of York, York, UK
Private Sector
- AFC Geofísica Ltda, Porto Alegre, Brazil
- Arcadis, Boulder, Colorado
- Atlatec S.A. De. C.V., Monterrey, Mexico
- B R Jones and Associates, Normangee, Texas
- C&H, Seoul, Korea
- Dames & Moore, Los Angeles, California
- Drico Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
- Dynamic Testing Services (S) Pte. Singapore
- Enviroscan, Lancaster, Pensylvania
- Estudios Geohidrologicos Y Geofisic, Morelia, Mexico
- Exploration Instruments, Austin, Texas
- Frontier Geosciences Inc. Vancouver, Canada
- GeoFact GmbH, Bonn, Germany
- Geotechnique, Singapore
- GEOVERTICAL S.R.L., Catania, Italy
- GEOS-BMH, Monterrey, Mexico
- Golder Associates, Redmond, Washington
- Heesong Geotek Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea
- hydroGeophysics, Inc., Tucson, Arizona
- Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea
- Infratech, Mexico City, Mexico
- Ingeominas, Bogota, Colombia
- KD Jones Instrument Co. Normangee, Texas
- Les Grandes Isles, Cancun, Mexico
- Nippon Kokan Koji K.K., Yokohama, Japan
- Northwest Geophysical Services, Redmond Washington
- NS Nettles, Tampa Bay, Florida
- Raax Co. Ltd., Sapporo, Japan
- Radian Corp., Austin, Texas
- RE Wright Associates Inc., Middletown, Pennsylvania
- Subsurface Evaluations, Inc., Tampa Bay, Florida
- Terracon Consultants, Inc., Denver, Colorado
- Triad Engineering, Inc., Winchester, Virginia