Drivers Test Sample Questions Ontario

Upon approaching aYield sign, what does the law require you to do?
Speed up and force your wayinto traffic
Stop,and then enter traffic slowly
Stop, and then enter traffic quickly
Slow down, stop if necessaryand go only when the way is clear
Slow down, stop if necessaryand go only when the way is clear
When does the law require lights on vehicles to beturned on?
No specified time
Betweendusk and dawn and any other time you cannot see clearly for a distanceof 150m
Between sunset and sunrise
Between half an hour beforesunset to half an hour after sunrise and at any other time you cannotsee clearly for a distance of 150m
Between half an hour beforesunset to half an hour after sunrise and at any other time you cannotsee clearly for a distance of 150m
When entering afreeway you should
Slow down, and then enter freeway at a sharp angle
Stop on acceleration lane,wait for an opening, and then enter the freeway rapidly.
Drive slowly and be preparedto stop for freeway traffic
Signal and increase your speed to merge smoothly withtraffic
Signal and increase your speed to merge smoothly withtrafficD
When the trafficsignal light facing you is red and you intend to go straight through theintersection, what must you do first?
Stop, wait until the light changes togreen and the intersection is clear before moving through it
Slow down, proceed when theway is clear
Stop,proceed when the way is clear
Stop, give pedestrians the right-of-way, and then proceedwith caution
Stop,wait until the light changes togreen and the intersection is clear before moving through it
On a roadway wheretraffic is moving in both directions, in what position must you bebefore making a left turn?
Close to the right-hand side of theroadway
Close tothe left side of the roadway
Immediately to the right of the centerline of the roadway
Does not matter providedyou signal
In Ontario, there is a seat belt law
Onlywhen driving on an open highway
Onlywhen driving within a municipality
Are driversresponsible for their passengers buckling up?
Only if passengers are overeighteen years of age
Only if the passengers are in the front seat
Only if passengers are over16 years of age
Onlyif passengers are from five years of age up to sixteen
Onlyif passengers are from five years of age up to sixteen
A flashing yellow beacon above an intersection:
Warns you to drive withcaution
Continueat same speed
Stopif making right turn
Stop if making left turn
In what lane of traffic should you drive when youintend to make a right-hand turn?
Close to the right side of the road
Close to the centre line ofthe roadway
Thelane approaching from the left
Close to the left side of the roadway
A person whose driver licence is under suspension,may
operate a motor vehicle to and from work
operate amotor vehicle when accompanied by a licensed driver
operate amotor vehicle in a case of extreme emergency
notdrive, under any circumstances
Why must you use signals when turning?
To sendout an alert of your intention
To notify the otherdriver(s) of your intention
All said answers
Toadvise pedestrians of what you want to do
Coming to a complete stop at an intersection isrequired, but where do you stop if there is no stop line, crosswalk orsidewalk?
Stop right beside the stop sign
Stop alittle into the intersection
Stop at the edge of the intersection
Stopright before the stop sign
When lights arerequired, drivers are required to use low beam headlights?
within 50 metres of anoncoming vehicle
within150 metres of an oncoming vehicle
within 300 metres of an oncoming vehicle
within 30 metres of anoncoming vehicle
If two vehiclesarrive at an uncontrolled intersection at approximately the same time,the right-of-way should be given to:
Vehicle approaching from the left
Vehicle approaching fromthe right
The one movingfaster
Upon approaching a stop sign, what does the lawrequire you to do before entering an intersection?
Slowdown, sound horn and proceed
Stop, sound horn, then proceed
Stop,and when it is safe to do so, proceed
Slow down and if way isclear, proceed
Who has the right -of-way in a roundabout?
Traffic turning right inthe roundabout
Trafficapproaching the roundabout
Traffic turning left in the roundabout
Traffic in the roundabout
When a right turn against a red signal light ispermitted, what does the law require you to do before entering theintersection and making a turn?
Slow down, signal and turn
You may turn right on a redlight only after coming to a complete stop and waiting until the way isclear
Stop, thenedge into traffic
Slowdown proceed with caution
Youmay turn right on a redlight only after coming to a complete stop and waiting until the way isclear
When a right turn against a red signal light ispermitted, what does the law require you to do before entering theintersection and making a turn?
Slow down, signal and turn
You mayturn right on a red light only after coming to a complete stop andwaiting until the way is clear
Stop, then edge into traffic
Slowdown proceed with caution
You mayturn right on a red light only after coming to a complete stop andwaiting until the way is clear
The driver of a motor vehicle is not permitted tocarry, in a house or boat trailer
Flammable materials
When lights arerequired, drivers must use lower beam headlights when following anothervehicle at what distance?
within 120 metres
within 30 metres
within 100 metres
within 60 metres
To make a U-turn you must be able to see how manymeters in both directions?
150 metres
100 metres
50 metres
250 metres
In what position on the roadway must you be beforemarking a left turn from a one-way traffic street?
Does notmatter provided you signal
Close to the right hand side of theroadway
Close to the left side of the roadway
Close tothe center line of the roadway
When it is safe to do so, passing other vehicleson right side
Is permitted on any street or highway
Is permitted when the streetor highway has two or more lanes for traffic in the direction you aretraveling.
Is notpermitted under any circumstance
Is permitted providing it is possible todo so by driving on the shoulder of the road
Ispermitted when the streetor highway has two or more lanes for traffic in the direction you aretraveling.
When can you pass on a shoulder?
Wheneveryou can do so safely
Only if a vehicle is turning left and youhave an unpaved shoulder on the right
You maydrive on the right shoulder only to pass a vehicle turning left and onlyif the shoulder is paved
You maydrive on the right shoulder only to pass a vehicle turning left and onlyif the shoulder is paved
If the signal light changes from green to amber asyou approach an intersection, what should you do?
Stop. Ifstop cannot be made safely proceed with caution
Continuethrough intersection without slowing or stopping
Soundhorn to warn pedestrians and other drivers that you do not intend tostop
Speed up to clear the intersection as quickly as possible
Stop. Ifstop cannot be made safely proceed with caution
A flashing redbeacon above an intersection means:
Slow down and if necessary yieldright-of-way to cars approaching from the left or right
Signal light is out oforder, proceed with caution
Slow down and drive with increased caution
You must come to a completestop. Move through the intersection only when it is safe to do so
Youmust come to a completestop. Move through the intersection only when it is safe to do so
When do you stop for school buses if there is amedian?
If a bus stops
Wheneveryou approach and see one
No need to stop
Only ifyou are behind a stopped bus which has its upper red lights flashing
Only ifyou are behind a stopped bus which has its upper red lights flashing
When a policeofficer signals you to pull your vehicle over:
Pull over as far to the left
Signal and stopat the nearest parking lot
You must pull over as far to the right as you safely canand come to a complete stop
Slow down and stop in the lane you are in
Youmust pull over as far to the right as you safely canand come to a complete stop
High Occupancy Vehicle lanes on provincialhighways are reserved for vehicles carrying how many passengers?
4 ormore
3 or more
A vehicle with only the driver
At leasttwo people
Why must yourvehicle undergo emission testing?
So that you may renew your vehicleregistration
Avehicle may be a certain age where it's necessary to get tested
All said answers
To identify whether it'sgrossly polluting the environnent
When a streetcar is stopped to take on ordischarge passengers, where there is no safety zone, what does the lawrequire you to do before passing the streetcar?
Pass on the left side whenthe way is clear
Stopat least two metres behind the rear doors where passengers are gettingoff or on
Soundhorn and pass with caution
Stop behind the rear of the streetcar and then proceed
Stopat least two metres behind the rear doors where passengers are gettingoff or on
When passing a cyclist, allow at least...
onemetre between your car and the cyclist
two metres between your carand the cyclist
three metres between your car and thecyclist
five metres between your car and the cyclist
When on streetsdesigned for two-way traffic, if you hear the siren of an emergencyvehicle, what does the law require you to do?
Continue at same speed
Pull to the right as far aspossible and stop
Signalthe driver to pass
Speedup and get out of the way
Which of thefollowing has the right-of-way over all others at an intersection whenthe light is green?
Vehicles turning left
Pedestrians crossing against the light
Vehicles turning right
Pedestrians crossing withthe light
Upon approaching aYield sign, what does the law require you to do?
Stop, and then enter trafficslowly
Stop, andthen enter traffic quickly
Speed up and force your way into traffic
Slow down, stop if necessaryand go only when the way is clear
Slowdown, stop if necessaryand go only when the way is clear
Where there are no posted speed limits, themaximum speed in cities, towns, villages and built-up areas is:
The maximum legal blood alcohol concentration forfully licensed drivers is:

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Driving Test Sample Questions Ontario


Driving test test Singapore ubi.ontario driving g test practice, book practical driving test. Drivers license - wikipedia the free encyclopedia + Ati rs690m driver Practice sample test questions & answers in ontario.This guide was created to help. Review,driving test ontario g2 tips,driving test study guide new jersey,book download pdf,how much. Free G1 practice test for Ontario drivers. This easy to follow quiz is specifically designed to help you practice for your Ontario G1 Test and written road knowledge test. It is important to note that this quiz is for practice purposes only, and our site cannot guarantee you will pass the actual G1 test.

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